The shopping cart

Shopping cart Classic Picture Library
The shopping cart 1947.

A simple but clever 1930s invention. Grocery store owner Sylvan Goldman came up with the clever idea how to make shopping easier and to encrease sales already 1936. He took a wooden chair and mounted wheels on each leg, and put a basket on it. It was the first attempt to create what now is the shopping cart. In the beginning, customers were not sure how to use it so Goldman had to hire people to act as shoppers in his store, going around and putting groceries into it. Soon the customers picked up on the idea and the simple shopping cart became a valuable item that made shopping easier and encreased sales. Soon after he patented the metal shopping cart that he had developed learning from his original idea.

Some thirty years later.  It would take another 30 years until self service shopping would be introduced in Sweden and many other European countries. The customers were reluctant to leave the old fashioned way of shopping and the stores were not designed to use shopping carts. But once the profits of using the shopping cart was obvious to both store owners and shoppers, it became an important item and was there to stay.

About the picture. The year is 1947 and the man doing the shopping is using the shopping cart.

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