Fortune telling

You will make a fortune in.... Kristoffersson

Know what´s going to happen. Some of you would like to know what the future has in mind for you. Perhaps you would like to know if you will be rich, or if you will meet Mr. Right? Having your fortune told and a getting a glimpse of your future would certainly give you a head start. But is it really desirable knowledge? What if you see something you don´t like?

Learn from history.  The past can tell you more about success stories or mistakes made. And you can learn how to avoid making the same mistakes again, and follow others examples on how they made their fortune.

About the picture. The young woman looking into the crystal ball is most certainly not a professional fortune teller. More likely an actress rehearsing for her part in a 1950s theatre play.

Free research. Classic Picture Library is a product of many years collecting of historical imagery. New users are often surprised by the personal service and editorial knowledge we provide. Our picture editors are more then happy to send you images based on your personal request, for free.

Write us an e-mail with what you are looking for and you will receive a selection of pictures from our  picture editors. E-mail:

Historical images for visual storytelling in any form. If you are a book publisher or makes the image selection for a magazine, open an account and start downloading. To your help is a picture editor that can guide you and search for more. The historical imagery holds is not just the major historical events even though they are important. It also contains the hard to find imagery of ordinary people doing their ordinary things. The selective and editorial approach to the images offered is of high quality.

Since established in 1995, Classic Picture Library has offered historical imagery that originates from legendary press photographers and historical archives.

The picture archive contains of 460,000 digital photos and 3 million original pictures. Rights to use the pictures are sold to publishers of magazines, books, television, online-publications, commercial usage etc.

We are a content provider for companies who want to embrace visual storytelling in all forms.


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