Pan American Airlines

Pan American Airlines 1956. Kristoffersson

The worlds most experienced Airline.
That is how the American airline Pan Am described itself at the peak of the company's era. Founded in 1927 Pan Am succeeded in becoming one of the largest airlines in the United States, and is still for many people an airline intimately associated with aviation and world-wide travelling by air.The already classic movie Catch me if you can starring Leonardo DiCaprio and other earlier major parts of tv-series and movies has made Pan Am part of world history.
An editors memory of Pan Am. This editor remember being in the cockpit of a Pan Am Boeing 747 bound for New York. A scene that still is very visible if i close my eyes. I was a proud boy returning to my seat wearing the company's emblem on my shirt, given to me by the pilot.
In 1991 Pan Am was forced to file for bankruptcy and ceased operation on December 4 1991.
Share your best flying memory if you like. Please comment and add your best Pan American memory.
About the picture. Photographer Kristofferssons picture of the couple in front of the Pan Am world map on the wall, shows the airline flights over continents and countries 1956. On the desk an advertisement is proudly saying that Today Pan American has completed 54633 transatlantic crossings. is a product of many years collecting of historical imagery. New users are often surprised by the personal service and editorial knowledge we provide. Picture editors are more then happy to send you images based on your personal request, for free.
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