Australian Nobel Prize winner

Howard Florey 1945 Kristoffersson

Howard Florey.
Penicillin, a team effort. The discovery of penicillin is highly related to Alexander Fleming, but Howard Florey did share the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with him. Florey carried out the first ever clinical studies and trials 1941 of penicillin at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford. The result of this research led to the result that penicillin could be mass produced 1945.Howard Florey "Developing penicillin was a team effort, as these things tend to be". A modest statement of a scientists that developed the antibiotic into a useful treatment.
Australia's prime minister Sir Robert Menzies said: "In terms of world well-being, Florey was the most important man ever born in Australia".
There is no dispute that penicillin is one of man kinds biggest discoveries that have saved lives all over the world since then.
About the picture: Howard Florey in his laboratory in Oxford in the autumn of 1945. Photographer Kristoffersson spent three months travelling in Great Britain just after World war 2 had ended. He captured many of the typical post war era subjects like rebuilding, prefabs. His original file from this trip is carefully looked after by us.
Talanted photographer. KG Kristoffersson was one of Sweden's most productive photographers with a unique archive left behind and in our care. 2018 is his 100-year jubilee. His archive dating from 1939, is a great source for picture-searchers. is a product of many years collecting of historical imagery. New users are often surprised by the personal service and editorial knowledge we provide. Picture editors are more then happy to send you images based on your personal request, for free.
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